Wednesday, September 25, 2002

after much fiddling and squinting at inscrutable html sources which reading of only made me want to scream with frustration, i finally kind of restored my old web page. only now, it looks really... uhm, uninspired?
it was thanks to Firda (see wannabe girl link on the left), who drew my attention to a Google's cache of my page (scary), after i pleaded for help. she was offering her services as a weblog designer, but was charging $100 USD. which i suppose is a fair price, but is not a price i can afford for what is essentially a part time 'hobby'. Thanks Firda, maybe i'll change my mind later.
the posting times look kind of funny too, so I still have to work on it more, but y'know, i can't be arsed. one new improvement i have added though, i have a separate page for my mini 'bio', which you can access by clicking the about me link (on the left), so now if people can be bothered, they can then see that I am a 27 year old british chinese pharmacist londonite bird. hope that doesn't put anybody off. (Who am i kidding?)

Tuesday, September 24, 2002

had a cold. still have it, i suppose, but it literally hit me sunday night, bang! and then i was bedridden the whole of monday. and i was all worried, because before i started my kung fu it would take me two weeks to get rid of my colds, and I hadn't been doing my kung fu for over two weeks now becase of barcelona and a sudden last minute upsurge of lab work to be done. so now I've missed two days of lab work, which annoys because i was planning to do loads of work this week as i was going to move back in with my parents this weekend. and i hate travelling in to work, which is what i'll have to do once i've moved.

my mcf-7 cells don't seem to be growing that well, what the hell have i done to them?
my template got lost :( and now i got to use this rather boring nondescript looking template, because i don't have the time to go messing around with html and all that. hmm.

Sunday, September 15, 2002

did'ya miss me? ;p
i've just come back from a spending a week in barcelona! and now it feels like it was all a dream, did it all really happen? i know, i haven't even finished recounting my french trip.
unfortunately i didn't get chatted up by a hot bloke, so it wasn't the perfect holiday that was everything i could hope it to be. in fact i didn't get chatted up by any bloke. in fact i tried to chat up this bloke, but he wasn't biting. i practically asked him out, it was so embarrassing because i could feel myself going red. It wouldn't have been so bad if this awfully boring woman weren't awkwardly standing there listening as well. he was nice enough to take my phone number, but i imagine it was a ploy to get rid of me. still i kept my mobile phone on in vain hope that he might actually call, but alas he never did. ah well. i didn't really fancy him all that much anyway.
and now curiously enough i smell like cats.
will tell you more, but now i want to feed my cells and go home and watch bad television.