Tuesday, June 25, 2002

it was my birthday yesterday! yay! i'm an old lady now!

and for the first time since i cannot even remember, i celebrated it, on the day, with a cool bunch of lads and ladettes from the lab, with a day trip to brighton. the weather was beautiful - and i tend to hold back on my compliments, but it was. picture perfect. There wasn't a cloud in the sky the whole time we were there, the sea was shimmery, a shade darker blue than the sky, the waves with the white cresty bits, the seagulls, the sun, the wind. we sat and ate lunch on the pebble beach, paddled a tiny bit in the water, then went to brighton pier, tried out a couple of rides, then spent the rest of the day sunning ourselves on the pier. Then we ate in this italian restauraunt which is built right on the beach, with glass walls all the way around it, so that when you sit down inside it you get an amazing view of the sea and the sky. and then we went home at 9.30pm, with the train pulling into kings X at 11pm. it was lovely, and its nice to be able to say something like that, which i don't often get to do. So there, the old lady does know how to have a good time after all.

Friday, June 21, 2002

so england lost to brazil 2-1. bit depressed, bit sombre, anticlimax, as i, in my heart of hearts, knew it would be. but i was there, still sleep dazed, watching the match on telly from the bed. i missed the first half as i couldn't get to sleep for ages that night, and couldn't get up until 8.15am, just in time for the second half. Just in time to witness that goal from Ronaldinho, unbelievable. And the commentators were saying how Seaman should have saved it, but honestly, who would have been able to save it? it was phenomanal, it was just the kind of thing you expect Brazil to serve up. Well, maybe, if it were a cooler day, and Seaman hadn't just wrenched his back he might have saved it, but then he wasn't to blame for the way England then couldn't score another goal after that even though Brazil had gone one man down, or even after Ronaldo had been substituted. Man, the brazilians were just toying with England team after that, I mean, to play with 1 man down and then to substitute Ronaldo! And were they right. Even the most generous england supporter could see that Brazil were far superior, they looked fitter. and they were bigger as well. But that Rivaldo really tried it on with the play acting, i mean is all that rolling around holding your face in your hands completely necessary? In any case i watched it, hoping, hoping right up until the 93rd minute that some magical freak gust of wind would blow the ball into the Brazilian goal. Alas, it did not happen, and i was left wanting a dose of st. john's wort. Still, i'll get over it, like i always have, all those other times england got knocked out of the world cup, which was everytime. Still, they beat Argentina, so, that's something.

Wednesday, June 19, 2002


Tuesday, June 18, 2002

gasp! confessionalism.com has shut shop! The guy who wrote it is upset because one of the multitude of photos that he's posted of this gorgeous girlfriend of his has been highjacked and become the subject of a lewd bulletin type discussion thing. i don't know the guy ofcourse, but over the course of reading his weblog for a few months i feel i've gotten to know him, as you do, so it makes me a little sad, y'know, not having that much in my life and all. in his last post he links to a couple of other personal weblogs which have also been closed due to stalkers and such... which makes you think. so maybe i shouldn't post any personal photos and stuff on the internet, i still think its possible to write a cracking weblog without having to do so. as may be demonstrated with this blog (teehee).

so south korea beat italy in the world cup eh? how about that. and i only tuned in to check out those fit italian blokes. unfortunately the one i had my eye on, Totti (ironically named), faked a fall to try and eek out a penalty from the referee. i just think that's so sad, and now i've gone right off him. well, ok, not totally. GO ENGLAND!!!!

Monday, June 17, 2002

i still haven't decided what photo i'm going to send to the rice bowl journals. i've found a photo of me looking all bright eyed and bushy-tailed, but i don't think that would be an accurate representation of what i am. because normally in photo's of me i look like a troll, crouching in the corner. but then again i don't want to post troll like photos of me on the internet. perhaps i should post both, one of me looking inexplicably attractive, and one of me looking like a troll. there you go, multi-faceted sharon.

I spent last thursday lunchtime cramped in the corner of a smoky mexican bar near piccadilly circus watching the mexico vs italy match, amid much mexican cheering and triumphant fanfare type mexican music being blasted out at any opportune football moment. the place was packed, so i stood up for pretty much the whole 2 hours, didn't eat lunch until after the match was over at about 2.30pm. When mexico scored their goal the place stood up and cheered for one whole minute, solid, half eaten lime quarters were thrown about, as well as those curly string confetti type stuff. i don't speak spanish, but i could hear people screaming expletives at the italian players who fouled, what an experience. but ofcourse that is all moot now, now that i've just heard that mexico have lost to USA, 2-0!!! 2-0???!?! How is that even possible? what is happening to the world? How did the americans suddenly gain enough skill to see off the portuguese and the mexicans? These are interesting times, what a year.

Sunday, June 02, 2002

i had a look at the Rice bowl journals website, specifically the bit where everybody's 'ethnic origin' is China, as is mine. and i noticed that most people have photos of themselves posted, looking all moody and modellar. the thing about that is that if you're just looking around, you're only going to pick to look at a website based on whether you're impressed by the photo or not. well its true. the photo first, and then maybe if you're impressed by the name the author has penned for their webpage. my photo is still pending, but i might have to give it some thought. i'm not exactly an oil painting, but i won't judged on my looks. i think there are too many photos of wan looking specky chinese girls with unremarkeable long black hair as it is.

i worked a bit of a nightmarish day yesterday at Boots (yes, again) in Camden Town. it was non-stop right from the word go, and from 9am to 6.30pm, i didn't sit down once. and to give a picture, its one of those stores that requires two pharmacists on duty, and the other pharmacist was apparently sick, so didn't turn up. plus i didn't have any proper help either. thankfully i had one guy who was a great help when he was there, but he had to leave me to have his breaks and cover other areas of the shop, whilst there were people cueing up at the pharmacy counter waiting to be served, ugh. i was like thinking, what is up with these people? if i saw a cue, i wouldn't waste my time joining it... well, i guess that's what makes me so special. and for some reason i've woken up today at 5am. i think i was subconciously really pissed with this fucker that i sold zovirax cream to, but returned it because he said that it wasn't clear cream, motherfucker. i think i'm just really pissed because i feel pretty certain that he pulled a fast one on me, and i fucking let him, prick. the asshole had paid with this dodgy looking card, and when he returned the zovirax i gave him back the money in cash - i was too stressed to stand there arguing. well, i hope he gets swamped with cold sores, and i hope that he thinks of me and the fact he's zoviraxless. and my legs are totally knackered, i can barely move without wincing in pain. and it was supposed to be such a lovely day today.