Sunday, December 02, 2012

Long distance relationships, only for Asians

This update is way out of date, but as I have no one to tell it to now, I thought I would tell it here. About a year ago I got a random facebook message from someone I thought was a total stranger. But in it the person referred specifically to some photos I took in Seattle in 2007, which was when I was last there with the reviled American ex. And then it finally twigged that it was from the reviled American ex, he'd started up a new facebook account under a slightly different name, incorporating the word 'Tango' into it, because I don't know. I believe it's his new hobby. It said:

Hey there,
Those are some really nice photos you took of Snow Lake, was it really in 2007?

I did a little bit of fb stalking, I thought that was fair as he clearly had with me, but I never replied. I figured he didn't deserve one as I hadn't heard from him in as he said, since around 2007, plus I was now married with a baby. I also deduced from what I could see that he was still a total loser and that I never would have been happy with him, even if by some miracle we ever had ended up staying together. Well, actually we could have, if I'd been prepared to be a total doormat and have a long distance relationship whereby we hardly ever saw or phoned each other. Some people really do that.


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