after much fiddling and squinting at inscrutable html sources which reading of only made me want to scream with frustration, i finally kind of restored my old web page. only now, it looks really... uhm, uninspired?
it was thanks to Firda (see wannabe girl link on the left), who drew my attention to a Google's cache of my page (scary), after i pleaded for help. she was offering her services as a weblog designer, but was charging $100 USD. which i suppose is a fair price, but is not a price i can afford for what is essentially a part time 'hobby'. Thanks Firda, maybe i'll change my mind later.
the posting times look kind of funny too, so I still have to work on it more, but y'know, i can't be arsed. one new improvement i have added though, i have a separate page for my mini 'bio', which you can access by clicking the about me link (on the left), so now if people can be bothered, they can then see that I am a 27 year old british chinese pharmacist londonite bird. hope that doesn't put anybody off. (Who am i kidding?)
it was thanks to Firda (see wannabe girl link on the left), who drew my attention to a Google's cache of my page (scary), after i pleaded for help. she was offering her services as a weblog designer, but was charging $100 USD. which i suppose is a fair price, but is not a price i can afford for what is essentially a part time 'hobby'. Thanks Firda, maybe i'll change my mind later.
the posting times look kind of funny too, so I still have to work on it more, but y'know, i can't be arsed. one new improvement i have added though, i have a separate page for my mini 'bio', which you can access by clicking the about me link (on the left), so now if people can be bothered, they can then see that I am a 27 year old british chinese pharmacist londonite bird. hope that doesn't put anybody off. (Who am i kidding?)