Night out in Bedford

I 'went out' for the first time ever in Bedford last night, with my work colleagues. It was surprisingly pleasant. I say surprisingly because I had some trepidations regarding some of the younger members of staff, namely two young technicians, who behave like immature brats and treat the dispensary like a playground. Needless to say I was always the wall flower in playground situations when I was little, so this work environment has not been the most therapeutic. But reading a couple of books on Buddism has actually helped me view this situation differently. I now think they're just a bunch of kids, and I'm the self suffering grown up they sometimes pick on but only in the way small children try to bully their parents. I used to be really hurt when they didn't say hello to me in the mornings, but now it actually doesn't bother me. Who'd've thought? Although I'm aware this goes against the Buddist principle of letting go of delusions of duality, ie. me vs them, but this works, so who the fuck cares?
Having said that I was infinitely relieved when I found out my new pharmacist friends were coming as well, and a good time was had by all. We had dinner in Dragon's, a large Chinese restaurant which does the typical white folk buffet thing, and the whole place was fairly bustling. Twice that evening the lights went dim and a Chinese waiter with cheesy grin walked out with a little cake and a tiny 99p for 100 candle on it amidst dubious renditions of 'Happy Birthday'. One of them came to our table, much to our surprise and equally to the surprise of the receivee, Moya, a technician who had arrived late and sat at the end of our long table with us pharmacist lot and I guess kind of expected to be ignored for the rest of the evening. She ended up blubbing in front of us, and there was much picture taking with phones.
I had two glasses of white wine with my MSG loaded buffet food (which all came to the shocking subtotal of £16), and by the end of the evening, a very respectable 10pm, I was absolutely reaking. Even my mum could smell it when she picked me up from the train station at 11.30 that evening. I have to say, finishing a night out at 10pm and being picked up from the train station by my mum is very quintessentially ME. As is yelling at her afterwards for having recorded over Grey's Anatomy with Ugly Betty, after having asked her to record it for me in the first place. I'm such a fucking ungrateful bitch, I totally deserve to have no messages on my voicemail.
My cousins' blogs
My attention has recently been drawn to weblogs that two of my cousins have. I can now keep updated to events and thoughts in their lives without ever having to speak or e-mail them directly. In comparison to their blogs my blog is positively overly pretentious and poncey. Which is probably because I am overly pretentious and poncey. I wanted to tell them I have a weblog too, but I didn't want them reading all this stuff I write and thinking less of me. Especially when I talk about the fact I don't have many friends and how it hurts me when people never call or ask me out, and I feel ashamed of this fact. The Buddism books have actually helped me reevaluate this though, hopefully, but this is a digression. And now I'm thinking maybe I should have an alternative weblog, where I don't talk about heavy shit like that. Maybe I could call it 'superfluency' or something. It would be nice to have one blog I could share with people I know.
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