One funny post for Comic Relief
I was having a browse through some of my favourite weblogs, and saw on petite anglais that Troubled Diva is compiling a book on funny blog posts from UK bloggers for Comic Relief. As eager as I always am for any kind of recognition, I had a trawl through my own posts. Because, you know, I think I'm funny, and I think I can write pretty good; surely, surely, there'd be one, one, post that I've written somewhere that I could submit. But to my utter amazement I found that all my posts were serious, with only mild undertones of dry humour. What do they call that... an epiphany? The opposite to an epiphany? Not only that, Troubled Diva has a massive list of blogs that have linked to his site re funny posts for Comic Relief, but has now stopped adding people to it, so I can't even get credit for linking to his site. Oh well, back to crocheting then.
ln 1 = zero
I've tried to step up my studying for the upcoming FPGEE (foreign pharmacy graduate equivilancy exam) this week, and for the first time in months tackled the mathematical equations. Some of the questions involved 'ln' ing and 'log'ing, and I was amazed at how much I've forgotten, such basic principles that I'd lived and breathed throughout my late teens because Maths had been one of the only subjects I'd been fairly competent at. I found myself looking at my old university notes at stuff that my 20 year old self had written down, such as [ln 1-ln 2= ln 0.5] and [ln 1- ln 2 = - ln 2] with utter incomprehension. Initially, that is, and then as I forced myself to think, the old principles came out like faint echoes. It was like stirring up really old sediment at the bottom of a pond that had lain untouched for decades. One decade, to be exact. It's funny how shit like this happens when you least expect it, something that you're certain is dead and buried comes back 10 years later and head butts you.
Florida sister's birthday
It was my sister's birthday yesterday. My sister lives in Florida, and I haven't seen her in possibly more than 6 months. I don't especially miss her, and she probably doesn't especially miss me, but we'll chat on the phone the way sisters do. I thought about sending her a card or a present, but I decided not to because I didn't see anything which looked like anything she'd like, and I'm too old for the buying any old crap as a present for the sake of it. But I thought calling her on the day would more than make up for it, so I did, unfortunately I got the answer machine, so I left a message. I spoke to American Bill after that, expressing guilt on not only having not gotten my sister a birthday nor a Christmas present, but also at having just given my other sister more money for a wedding contribution (by the end of June I'll have two younger sisters who've gotten married before me). So I asked him to phone my Florida sister later on to wish her a Happy Birthday on my behalf, a verbal telegram, if you will. And to my mild surprise
he agreed. Does that mean it's love? But he did end the phone conversation by claiming to need a nap, which is how he's ended the last couple of phone calls, so perhaps not.
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