Wow, I had almost forgotten about this weblog I had here. For days I had been dying to send some words out into the internet cosmos, and now that I can... I don't know what to say. Because I have so much to say. But I think all the stuff I wanted to say I said to someone else, so it's like now I don't need to say them again. But enough of this waffle crap!
I have not worked for 3 months. How fuckin' scary that sounds. The days are however going by remarkably quickly, for this seasoned loafer. I am spending me days doing stuff like cruising the internet, on my brother's new broadband subscription. SOCIALISING WITH FRIENDS and strangers, yay! And not least having an inordinatley large number of lunches out with MUM, in Oriental City in Colindale, London, UK. Because I'm back living in my parent's house.
I am have spent the last couple of months worrying about and having a nodule on my thyroid investigated by Mr Fleming at the Hammersmith Hospital, which the last time I saw him had left me to decide whether I should leave it there or not. I will be going to see him at the end of this month, and will probably decide to leave it and have it monitored for now, because I've had two fine needle aspirations (FNA, kind of like a biopsy) which have come back benign, plus if I did have it removed he would have to remove half my thyroid, which comes with not only the risks of surgery, but also the possibility of going hypothyroid. The reason he's not ruling out surgery is because FNAs are not 100%, and they are naturally cautious with large nodules, which mine is.
applying to work in the USA
I am applying to work in the US, specifically Seattle, because of a gorgeous man I am seeing transatlantically, despite my better judgement, because he has not proposed marriage, plus the real possibility that the US is being dragged into Hell by Bush. Still, it's not likely that I'm going to actually get out there before the end of 2007, as the application process has turned out to be curiously awkward, and I haven't even sent off my first application form yet. I am talking about the National Board of Pharmacy (NABP) in the US, and the Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivilancy Exam (FPGEE). Problems that have happened in the process of just completing ONE form include:
- getting someone to notarise the thing without having to pay over £50 to get an actual notary to do it, things I tried were going to my friend's sister who's a solicitor, and going to a magistrates court to get a magistrate to do it. Unfortunately I found out that neither of the latter two were GOOD ENOUGH for the FPGEC. And so had to cough up £55 to get a dodgy solicitor to sign my form, and he managed to smear ink over it.
-getting a foreign draft to pay for the application, $700, almost £400, the fuckers. I waited a week for the draft to be posted to me, and when I didn't get it, I phoned up the bank who then found out that due to some glitch my order never went through, and so they've had to reprocess it again.
I also have problems with a SECOND form that needs to be sent off to a second body, even though its for the same application, which is I that my school has not been able to do me an official transcript, even though I requested it a month ago. Every time I phone I'm fobbed off by some arsy secretary who says they're short staffed and overworked.
I can't help wondering if this is not a sign. Cosmic voice: 'Forget about Bill, it'll never work out! Don't go to the US, it's going to become the new hub of evil!'
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