Sunday, November 24, 2002

my back hurts from hunching over my laptop trying to work on my thesis.
i sent out three e-mails yesterday, but got no reply today.
i am currently looking forward to spending a few days in Graz, Austria, but at the same time trepidatious as well, as tensions are high amongst the two lab colleagues that i will be hanging out with there. One of them is terrified of flying, so much so that he was behaving like a sulky teenager this whole week, and as we will only be spending a few days out there, i've just realised that he's not likely to be a barrel of laughs whilst out there either. and things are a bit tense between me and the other girl going there as well, at all started off with me getting pissed off with her for leaving my expensive solvents uncovered for two days next to an open window. and now she's all arrogant and sulky. and why did I book the flight to go out there in the first place? well, it seemed a good idea at the time when we were all still on speaking terms a few weeks ago. still, i'm seeing another city, so i can't complain, can i?


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