Tuesday, July 09, 2002

So last week i found out that my supervisor, and the new girl (who's actually a mature lady) in the lab whom i get on quite well and am going to barcelona with are both cancerians (like myself)! I'm quite an open-minded girl when it comes to superstition and all that jazz, and i'm not prone to analysing the latest astrological predictions, but that now brings the total of cancerian friends / people that i've met / colleagues that i like to 5, in the last three years. which doesn't sound much, but considering the number of people i've met, and the much fewer people i've connected with, it's just remarkeable.

i saw spider-man (notice how i put the hyphen in there) (but yet i can't be arsed to use my capital letters properly) last friday. eee-yeah, s'ok. yes there were special effects, yes, they were kind of impressive, ok it was a little dark, i suppose. i was, to be honest, expecting something better though. so there you have it.

Flights and hotel in barcelona have been booked!

as to my last entry, i think i was depressed because i was at (my family) home. so now you see why i have to go to australia when i finish my PhD.

there was a meeting of weblog geeks in some park last friday, i found out from looking at notsosoft.com. i've had a look at all their blogs, and i have to say, that i think i write better than a lot of them. (hey, its not like anybody's going to read this)


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