Sunday, May 05, 2002

so i went to see the Titan Arum yesterday at beeyootiful Kew gardens. unfortunately, when i went to see it the flower had already shut shop, as it had opened up on wednesday three days ago, and as the pictures would appear to show, the flower's only really open for one day, and that goes for its infamous stench as well. and if you look at the pictures today, the phallic middle bit ( i don't know what that bit's called, sorry) has pretty dramatically deflated, emphasising its namesake. Amorphophallus titanum, means big deformed penis. what, you think i'm kidding?

Rented two videos as well, yesterday, in preparation of having nothing to do for Sunday (today) and Bank holiday Monday (how tragico!) both at the bargain price of £1 each, I rented Maybe Baby, and Fight Club. watched Maybe Baby yesterday, and I can tell you now that it is pretty crap. The story, is ok, and i don't know if it would have been better if they had got a different set of actors in, but the acting was wooden quite frankly, and i like to think of myself as being fair. But i do have to say Rowan Atkinson was pretty damn funny, as the gyneacologist.

I finally had a kind of proper talk with gus the technician, the guy who seems to have a worryingly major crush on me. He'd phoned me up on my mobile last night, and ironically enough I was in my flat using the laptop he'd given to me. it was obvious he was depressed and was just looking for an excuse to talk to me, but i finally set him straight - i don't feel the same way about you, do you want the laptop back, i don't want anything from you, and i don't want to feel like i owe you anything, i think we should keep our relationship purely professional. and then he was going on about how i was in a different league from him, and how i'd cheered him up, i'll stop, because its cringeworthy stuff. But he did say how he had real problems socialising with people, and how he'd only ever had one girlfriend in his twenties, which was probably more information than i needed to know. I somehow find it hard to believe he even had that one. i do feel sorry for him though, you know how there are some people who you wonder if they'll ever find anyone who'll want to go out with them? well, he's one of them.

So, there. I hope I have set him straight. Lets see what happens now, i guess.


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